Guns In The Soviet Union

Gun rights in socialist countries is often debated by conservatives saying that they didn’t exist. This is a false accusation that communists do not support gun rights. To quote Marx himself, “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary,” quoted from […]

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George H.W. Bush: War Criminal

Nobody should mourn George H.W. Bush’s death. This man was responsible for many deaths through his imperialist policies. Bush Sr, just like his son, lied about the Gulf War to justify aerial bombardment. He described Iraq as invading Kuwait with “no provocation or warning,” but the ambassador to Iraq told Hussein a week before the […]

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Gulags In The Soviet Union

The penal system in the USSR gave a lot of penologically progressive approaches to the rehabilitative system. Educational and manual instruction courses were available in some gulags, giving inmates qualifications for when they leave. Inmates were not required to wear gulags and well-behaved prisoners would get two weeks of holiday a year. An interesting thing […]

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Paul Robeson: Forgotten By History

Paul Robeson was a very interesting figure that I have been interested in recently. In Robeson’s life, he achieved many things in many fields. He was a singer, actor lawyer and civil rights activist. Robeson sang for Loyalist soldiers in Spain, spoke out against racism and took part in anti-Nazi demonstrations regularly. In his early […]

Read More Paul Robeson: Forgotten By History

On Property

Every Communist says they strive to abolish private property. What does this mean? Well, it surely does not mean we want to take away something as essential as your toothbrush or any other standard possession. What we mean by privet property is capitalist rule over means of production, enforced by law.  Means of production is […]

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U.S. Anti-Communist Legislation

Anti-communist legislation had always been passed in the US. With McCarthyism and the Red Scare, the US government actively tried to seek out communists and arrest them. The Communist Control Act 1954 was a law that banned the communist party, with the punishment being either a $10,000 fine, 5 years of imprisonment or both. The […]

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Marxist Econ 101: Commodity Fetishism

What is commodity fetishism? In capital volume one Marx describes the phenomenan known as commodity fetishism which is a perception of economic relations between exchanged commodities. Commodity fetishism is a result of the commodity itself being tied to its value in money form which strips the commodity of the real value produced by labor and […]

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Lenin’s “Testament”

Among the circles of the new left is often discussed a letter from Lenin, which one wants to identify as Lenin’s last will or Lenin’s will. Whoever wants to identify him like that is pretty easy to answer: Trotskyists and other anti-Leninist forces who call themselves “leftists”. Allegedly, the content of this letter is that […]

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